Podcast: Jak jsou na tom s ekologií ve Španělsku?
Po více než třech týdnech jsem se odhodlala nahrát druhou epizodu podcastu. Tentokrát jsem se vrhla na téma, které mě tu dost trápí a tak jsem se potřebovala trošku vyzpovídat - ekologie! Dozvíte se např. jaké zážitky mám z bleších trhů, proč tu nikdo nepije vodu z kohoutku a jaký je jejich systém sdílených kol. Rozpovídala jsem se taky o fiestách, sekáčích a události ke dni World clean up day. Navíc se dozvíte, jak k ekologii přistupují ostatní Erasmus studenti. Taky jsem se Vám pokusila v úvodu shrnout, jak to chodí ve škole, protože na to se mě často někdo ptal na Instagramu. Tak co, zajímá Vás, jestli jsou na tom Španělé s ekologií lépe než my a jestli to tu taky každý tak řeší? Tak si poslechněte celou epizodu!
Podcast najdete taky na Spotify a doufám že i brzo na Apple podcastech, ale tam to schválení trvá trochu delší dobu. Tak co říkáte na novou epizodu, líbila se Vám? Budu opět ráda za všechny tipy co vylepšit a za další konstruktivní kritiku.
Whereas the podcast is in Czech, I have decided to write down some points of this episode so you can also get to know something about Spanish people and their access to ecology. I divided this episode to two parts - pros and cons.
As a positive person I started with the pros. The most interesting thing is their system for shared bikes called Valenbici - it is really affordable (30 eur/year) and also they take good care of cycle paths so you don't need to be worry to be hit by the tram/car/bus. Other pros were parks, trees and flowers in all of the city where people spend a lot of leisure time. I was also talking about my experience from flea markets and secondhand. And the last one was about the event within the World clean up day which was picking up the garbage at the beach.
I dare to say that cons have quite bigger impact on the planet than the pros have. There are not enough separate waste containers and also not many kind of them (usually only plastics, paper and glass). In our flat no one was separating garbages until I have decided to separate at least paper and plastics. So I assume that my roommates also don't separate their garbage in their home towns which seems to me to be a very basic and obvious thing to do. But I have to say that they are really trying now. Also thing which seems strange to me is that no one drinks tap water - they are rather buying barrels of water every time. Water is drinkable but there is a little bit smell of chlor, but I drink it normally and have no problems yet. The last thing was about fiestas (especially fireworks) which has quite a big air impact.
Tohle téma mě zajímá, takže podcast si určitě pustím! :))
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